Ranting mode on:
Here in Iceland the Post Office, Íslandspóstur has this slogan, Pósturinn, allur pakkinn, roughly translated it means the Post Office "All the package" supposedly meaning their very good service. I would like to offer them a new one, Pósturinn "where is the package?"
What happened is this, in October I ordered two skeins of lace yarn from the Wollemeise, one for a Mystery KAL that started late October and another one just to pet :-)
In late October there was no package and I had to use another yarn, I just figured out that there must have been some delay, this often happens with packages from Germany, since they send them more often than not by ground mail.
In November I was getting pretty tired of waiting and still no package, then I got an email from Claudia the Wollemeise asking if I had not wanted the yarn after all because she had just gotten it returned to her.
I told her that I had been waiting and that the Post Office had told me it had not arrived. She gave my the tracking number and armed with that I phoned the Post Office information desk, where I was promptly told that a package with this tracking number hand arrived and since they had not gotten any invoice for the goods they had returned it to sender after the required waiting period.
When asked who was the recipient they told me a name of a person that I have never heard of and was certainly not written on the package. The conclusion was that by some glitch the package had been entered into the computer system wrongly and they were really sorry.
I wrote to Claudia and told her what had happened and she was so kind to offer to send my the package again without me paying additional postage. This was on December 4th, on December 17th I received a request for invoice and send it right away, thinking that I would get the yarn the next day. Not so, after the package was processed for delivery on the 17th of December no one has seen it and it can't be found anywhere.
Now they have given up on looking for the package and are filing it as lost and if I am lucky I will get a dollar or two in compensation.
I wish I could change to another service but oh no, this is the only one here for regular mail so I am stuck with it, their service is going so fast downhill that you have to be on your toes to actually get your package delivered, six times this past two months the delivery people have not bothered to ring the bell and actually deliver the package but have put a notice in the mail box that nobody was at home, witch was not the case.
I would suggest that the overzealous marketing gurus would try to get familiar with the workings of the system they are peddling instead of coming up with empty slogans that promise everything and deliver little.
Ranting mode off:
on the knitting front I have finished clue #4 of the Spring shawl sureprice and it is looking very pretty, the photo is lousy as usual but this gives at least the general idea.